【論文】WRH Saulius Juodkazis特任教授の論文“Control of Vibration-Metasurface Coupling at the Mid-Infrared Spectral Window for Inorganic Thermal Emitters”が掲載されました。
物質理工学院 Saulius Juodkazis特任教授の論文が、Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan に掲載されました。
“Control of Vibration-Metasurface Coupling at the Mid-Infrared Spectral Window for Inorganic Thermal Emitters”
The coupling between light and molecular vibrational modes is dependent on the efficiency of molecular absorption. Here, we demonstrate a method to control the coupling between molecular mid-infrared absorption/emission in the chemical fingerprinting spectral window and a metasurface using SiO2 as an absorber/emitter and CaF2 as a spacer to optimize the strength of coupling. The use of inorganic dielectric I-spacers in metal–insulator–metal (MIM) metasurfaces opens applications in narrow-band emitters for a mid-infrared spectral window at elevated temperatures (>350 °C), where polymer/organic I-spacers degrade.