【講演会】”Interdependent Networks: Novel Physical Phase Transitions” 3/15 開催のご案内
本学WRH特任教授のShlomo Havlin先生が3月15日水曜午後1時半より大岡山キャンパスで下記の講演を行います。
高安美佐子、 東京工業大学科学技術創成研究院教授
日時: 3月15日水曜 午後1時半から3時
場所: 東工大大岡山キャンパス、西8号館(E棟)、3階W834
講演者 Shlomo Havlin、イスラエル Bar-Ilan大学物理学科教授
講演タイトル: Interdependent Networks: Novel Physical Phase Transitions
A framework for studying the percolation theory of interdependent networks will be presented.
In interdependent networks, such as infrastructures, when nodes in one network fail, they cause dependent nodes in other networks toalso fail.This may happen recursively and can lead to a cascade of failures and to a sudden abrupt fragmentation of the system of interdependent systems.
This is in contrast to a single network where the fragmentation percolation transition due to failures is continuous.I will present analytical solutions based on percolation theory, for the critical thresholds, cascading failures, and the giant functional component of a network of n interdependent networks.
I will show that the general theory shows many novel processes and features that are not present in the percolation theory of single networks.
I will also show that interdependent networks embedded in space are significantly more vulnerable and the phase transition is much riche compared to non-embedded networks.In particular, small localized attacks of zero fraction but above a critical size may lead to cascading failures that dynamically propagate and yield an abrupt phase transition. I will finally show that the theory of interdependent networks can be realized and controlled in a physics laboratory.
I will discuss the consequences of the theory on phase transitions in real physical interdependent systems and present theory and experiments on interdependent superconducting networks where we identified a novel abrupt transition although each isolated system shows a continuous transition.
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