[Paper] “Understanding the effect of spatially separated Cu and acid sites in zeolite catalysts on oxidation of methane” published by WRH Professors Toshiyuki Yokoi and Hermann Gies
WRH professors Toshiyuki Yokoi and Hermann Gies published a paper in Nature Communications.
“Understanding the effect of spatially separated Cu and acid sites in zeolite catalysts on oxidation of methane”
DOI : 10.1038/s41467-024-46924-2
Unraveling the effect of spatially separated bifunctional sites on catalytic reactions is significant yet challenging. In this report, we investigate the role of spatial separation on the oxidation of methane in a series of Cu-exchanged aluminosilicate zeolites. Regulation of the bifunctional sites is done either through studying a physical mixture of Cu-exchanged zeolites and acidic zeolites or by systematically varying the Cu and acid density within a family of zeolite materials. We show that separated Cu and acid sites are beneficial for the formation of hydrocarbons while high-density Cu sites, which are closer together, facilitate the production of CO2. By contrast, a balance of the spatial separation of Cu and acid sites shows more favorable formation of methanol. This work will further guide approaches to methane oxidation to methanol and open an avenue for promoting hydrocarbon synthesis using methanol as an intermediate.