IRFI 東京工業大学国際先駆研究機構 IRFI 東京工業大学国際先駆研究機構



【WRH】IRFI welcomes newly appointed Prof. Hao Wang to Tokyo Tech!

Professors Manzhos (left) and Wang (right)


We are pleased to welcome Dr. Hao Wang from National University of Singapore, newly appointed as visiting associate professor at Tokyo Tech!

With support from the WRH Program, Prof. Wang is collaborating with Prof. Sergei Manzhos of the School of Materials and Chemical Technology. (Project: Investigation of microstructure-driven properties of functional ceramics: from large-scale atomistic calculations to experimental validation)

We look forward to their collaboration!

Related links:
World Research Hub (WRH) Program
Prof. Sergei Manzhos
Ihara-Manzhos Lab (Japanese)



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    Midori-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 226-8503, Japan
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