IRFI 東京工業大学国際先駆研究機構 IRFI 東京工業大学国際先駆研究機構



WRH Interviewed Professors Hideki Hosoda and Volodymyr Chernenko

figure 1_hosoda&chernenko

Figure 1_Professors Hideki Hosoda (left) and Volodymyr Chernenko (right)

On November 7, 2024, a team from the WRH program visited Professors Hideki Hosoda and Volodymyr Chernenko.(Figure 1)

Prof. Chernenko initially joined Tokyo Tech as a Specially Appointed Professor under the WRHI Program (FY2017), and through the WRH Program (FY2022), he has continued in that position at Institute of Science Tokyo. As the Ikerbasque Professor and Honorary Academic Collaborator for Research his main affiliations are the University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU, Spain and BCMaterials, Basque Center for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures, Spain. He has been conducting joint research with Prof. Hideki Hosoda and his lab at the Institute of Integrated Research (IIR), Institute of Science Tokyo.(Figure 2)

figure 2_chernenko@lab

Figure 2_Prof. Chernenko with lab members

During his temporal visits, Prof. Chernenko has played a key role in several joint research projects and also provided valuable guidance to students in the lab. This collaborative effort in the field of giant magnetostrain materials and Martensite-austenite critical phenomena has resulted in 25 published research papers in the high-impact journals, like Acta Materialia, Applied Materials Today, JALCOM, Composites Science and Technology etc. with additional 3 publications in progress. During the WRH team’s visit, Prof. Chernenko was observed providing instruction to a Master student, Tasuku Fujino (M1), analysing Ni-Mn-Ga single crystalline microparticles under a microscope.(Figure 3)

Fig 3_chernenko&fujino

Figure 3_Prof. Chernenko, supervising Tasuku Fujino (M1)

Professors Hosoda and Chernenko’s close collaboration continued even during the COVID-19 pandemic. This strong partnership led to the signing a school-level agreement in January 2021 between the Foundation  BCMaterials – Basque Center for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures and the Institute of Integrated Research (formerly Institute of Innovative Research). This agreement was further expanded to an institute-level agreement in November 2023, including tuition-waiver student exchange, between the University of the Basque Country and Institute of Science Tokyo (formerly Tokyo Tech at the time of signing). Prof. Chernenko is enthusiastic about the opportunities this agreement offers for Science Tokyo students to study at the University of the Basque Country.

Although Prof. Chernenko’s term under the WRH Program concludes at the end of fiscal year 2024, both he and Prof. Hosoda are eager to continue their collaborative research efforts beyond this timeframe.


Related links:
Hosoda and Tahara Laboratory
Volodymyr Chernenko, University of the Basque Country
Overseas Partner Universities(Science and Engineering)
Fundacion Bcmaterials – Basque Center for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures
University of the Basque Country



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