IRFI 東京工業大学国際先駆研究機構



講演会&ミニワークショップ開催のご案内 2024.1.9(火)-「Psychology-Driven Interaction Design」-

Dr. LIU Wei


WRHプログラム特任准教授として着任されたLIU Wei  先生(北京師範大学)による「心理学駆動のインタラクションデザイン」に関する講演および体験の機会を設けました。先生方はもちろん、学生の皆さんも歓迎ですので、ぜひ奮ってご参加ください!




  • 日時:2024年1月9日(火) 13:00-14:30
  • 場所:EEI棟(北3号館)1階 多目的ホール
  • 講演者:LIU Wei
  • UX Program Director, Associate Professor, Faculty of Psychology Beijing Normal University, China
  • 使用言語:英語
  • 概要:Title: Psychology-Driven Interaction DesignAbstract: In this lecture, we will explore the intersection of psychology and interaction design, emphasizing its importance in creating intuitive and engaging user experiences. Students will be introduced to the application of psychological theories in understanding and predicting user behavior, which is essential for designing effective and user-friendly interfaces. The presentation will highlight key aspects such as cognitive load theory, demonstrating how users process information, and the impact of emotional design in enhancing user engagement. We will dive into concepts like user motivation and behavior, guided by principles from behavioral psychology, to understand how users interact with technology. Featuring real-world examples, this lecture aims to illustrate the transformative power of integrating psychology into design.Bio: Wei Liu is an associate professor and the director of the UX master program at the Faculty of Psychology at Beijing Normal University, a Fulbright research scholar at the Center for Design Research (CDR) at the School of Engineering at Stanford University, an adjunct associate professor at the department of the Computer Graphics Technology (CGT) at the Purdue Polytechnic Institute at Purdue University, an adjunct research fellow at the School of Design and Architecture at Swinburne University of Technology, the director of the Center for Design Psychology Research (CDPR) at the Beijing Design Society.


環境・社会理工学院 融合理工学系
准教授 大橋 匠 

大橋 匠
【WRH】劉偉 (LIU Wei) 特任准教授が来日しました。(ニュース)




  • 〒226-8503
    神奈川県横浜市緑区長津田町4259 R3-23
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