The World Research Hub Initiative, founded as part of the Institute of Innovative Research in April 2016, is a project accelerating collaborative research between Tokyo Tech and the world. By inviting leading researchers from abroad and encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration, we aim to foster the creation of new research hubs, solve problems facing society and develop the industries of the future.
Press Releasesおすすめ
Quenchbody Immunosensors Pave the Way to Quick and Sensitive COVID-19 Diagnostics
Press Releasesおすすめ
Scientists Artificially Recreate Smells Successfully Using an Olfactory Display
WRHI researcher’s paper obtains the Best Paper Award from a prestigious organization in USA
Press Releasesおすすめ
Decoding Protein Assembly Dynamics with Artificial Protein Needles
Press Releasesおすすめ
Caught on Camera: Live Imaging of Transcription Using Active RNA Polymerase II-Specific Probes
2 WRHI researchers as Clarivate “Highly Cited Researchers 2021”
WRHI Newsおすすめ
【Research Paper】”On the origin of elasticity and heat conduction anisotropy of liquid crystal elastomers at gigahertz frequencies”
WRHI Newsおすすめ
A human SARS‐CoV‐2 neutralizing antibody and its conversion to fluorescent biosensors
WRHI Newsおすすめ
Spectral filter was proposed and polarisation analysis was carried out on THz-synchrotron beam
WRHI Newsおすすめ
【Research Paper】”Polariscopy with optical near-fields”
WRHI Newsおすすめ
Selective recovery of uranium from seawater
WRHI Newsおすすめ
Quick and Sensitive Fluorescent Immunosensor for Detecting the Mineralocorticoid Steroid Hormone Aldosterone