Dr. Kanbara arrived back from San Diego, University of California

Dr. Kanbara arrived back from San Diego, University of California

Activity Reports

Scott Makeig, SCCN 所長 Scott Makeig, SCCN 所長

From February 11th to March 14th in 2019, I visited Swartz Center for Computational Neuroscience (SCCN) in University of California, San Diego. SCCN is the research developing EEGLAB toolbox, an open source toolbox for EEG analysis, and we have been collaborated with them since 2014. During this visit, I analyzed EEG signal during 3-ball juggling task to understand how our brain controls our body to conduct complex motor task. We found time-frequency modulation in EEG signal coupled with the timing of throwing and catching motion. In addition, we have succeeded in visualizing information flow from frontal region of the brain to rest of the regions. We are now writing a manuscript for international journal paper. We had submitted a proposal for international research collaboration between SCCN and us, and are planning to keep collaborating with each other.


Hiroyuki Kambara, Bio Interface research Unit

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