Engaging with regional and community stakeholders to maximize our social contribution

Our research group aims to address social problems by integrating new findings and recently developed technologies into product markets, elements of social infrastructure and administrative services, facilitating clear social and economic benefits. This approach, whereby the value of research outcomes are assessed from the outset, is called social implementation research or problem-solving research looking at the exit’s benefit from the beginning of the research, and at Tokyo Tech. we were also working on the base of problem-solving research as solution research since the establishment of Integrated Research Institute in 2005. In order to promote research aimed at social implementation, from stages of planning, it’s important us to join stakeholders (international organizations, central and local governments of each country, research funding agencies, international cooperation and development aid agencies, industry, civil society, media etc.) – co-design, co-production, co-delivery according to the progress of research, and implementing research results in social / economic system. Not only do we need to participate in researchers in many fields, regardless of science and literature, but also the industry, the private sector, the media involved in research. We must promote from research style centered on laboratories to action for the real society. According to a social requirement in recent years, Social Implementation Research in the International Hub Group emphasizes the research style of social implementation, which collaborates with stakeholders, and develops a more safe and secure environment, a life with stable energy and a life such as evolution of service economic system to make it more convenient. Our Mission is to promote research aiming for social contribution.