髙野 恵理子


Eriko Takano 髙野 恵理子


合成微生物学 代謝工学 メタボロミクス 天然物生産者を設計するためのバイオインフォマティクスソフトウェア開発


北里大学薬学部卒業後に明治製菓株式会社で研究員として勤務。その後英国に渡りイーストアングリア大学にてStreptomyces coelicolorの抗生物質生産の調節において博士号を取得。独国テュービンゲン大学でAssistant Professorとして、オランダのフローニンゲン大学で Assistant ProfessorおよびAssociate Professorとして研究室を主宰したのち、2012年にマンチェスター大学のProfessorに就任。2014年に、マンチェスター大学にて新設された英国の合成生物学拠点(Manchester Synthetic Biology Research Centre;SYNBIOCHEM)の所長に、2018年に同大学化学学部の学部長代理に就任し、現在に至る。




東京工業大学生命理工学院 特任教授


University of Manchester, Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Natural Sciences, Deputy head of School of Chemistry


BBSRC, EPSRC funded Manchester Synthetic Biology Research Centre, SYNBIOCHEM, Director


Professor of Synthetic Biology, Manchester Institute of Biotechnology, University of Manchester, UK


Associate Professor (permanent) in Synthetic Microbiology, Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute (GBB), University of Groningen, The Netherlands


Assistant Professor (tenure track) Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology Institute (GBB), University of Groningen, The Netherlands


Assistant Professor (C1), Department of Microbiology/ Biotechnology, University of Tübingen, Biological Institute, Germany


Rosalind Franklin Fellowship from the University of Groningen, The Netherlands.


Lepetit Award Lepetit & the Italian Society for General Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology


Finnigan W, Roberts AD, Ligorio C, Scrutton NS, Breitling R, Blaker JJ and Takano E. The effect of terminal globular domains on the response of recombinant mini-spidroins to fiber spinning triggers. Scientific Reports (2020) in press


Reddy GK, Leferink NGH, Umemura M, Ahmed ST, Breitling R, Scrutton NS, Takano E. Exploring novel bacterial terpene synthases. PLoS One. (2020) 15(4):e0232220. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0232220


Robinson CJ … Breitling R*, Takano E*, Scrutton NS*. Rapid prototyping of microbial production strains for the biomanufacture of potential materials monomers. Metab Eng. 2020 doi: 10.1016/j.ymben.2020.04.008. (*joint corresponding authors)


Pinheiro B, Scheidler C, Kielkowski P, Schmid M, Forné I, Ye S, Reiling N, Takano E, Imhof A, Sieber S, Schneider S, Jung, K. Structure and function of a novel elongation factor P subfamily in Actinobacteria. Cell Reports (2020) in press.


Kearsey KJ, Prandi N, Karuppiah V, Yan C, Leys D, Toogood H, Takano E, Scrutton NS. Structure of the Cannabis sativa olivetol-producing enzyme reveals cyclization plasticity in Type III polyketide synthases. FEBS J (2019) 287:1511-1524. https://doi.org/10.1111/febs.15089 Editor’s Choice


Cummings M, Peters AD, Whitehead GFS, Menon BRK, Micklefield J, Webb SJ, Takano E. Assembling a plug-and-play production line for combinatorial biosynthesis of aromatic polyketides in Escherichia coli. PLOS Biol (2019) 17 e3000347.


Del Carratore F, Zych K, Cummings M, Takano E, Medema MH, Breitling R. Computational identification of co-evolving multi-gene modules in microbial biosynthetic gene clusters. Communications Biology (2019) 2:83


Carbonell P, Jervis AJ, Robinson CJ, Yan CY, Dunstan M, Swainston N, Vinaixa M, Hollywood KA, Currin A, Rattray NJW, Taylor S, Spiess R, Sung R, Williams AR, Fellows D, Stanford NJ, Mulherin P, Le Feuvre R, Barran P, Goodacre R, Turner NJ, Goble C, Chen GG, Kell DB, Micklefield J, Breitling R, Takano E, Faulon JL, Scrutton NS An automated Design-Build-Test-Learn pipeline for enhanced microbial production of fine chemicals. Commun Biol. (2018) 1:66


Wintle BC, Boehm CR, Rhodes C, Molloy JC, Millett P, Adam L, Breitling R, Carlson R, Casagrande R, Dando M, Doubleday R, Drexler E, Edwards B, Ellis T, Evans NG, Hammond R, Haseloff J, Kahl L, Kuiken T, Lichman BR, Matthewman CA, Napier J, Ó hÉigeartaigh S, Patron NJ, Perello E, Shapira P, Tait J, Takano E, Sutherland WJ. A transatlantic perspective on 20 emerging issues in biological engineering. eLife (2017) 6 e30247.


Blin K, Wolf T, Chevrette MG, Lu X, Schwalen CJ, Kautsar SA, Suarez Duran HG, de Los Santos ELC, Kim HU, Nave M, Dickschat JS9, Mitchell DA, Shelest E, Breitling R, Takano E, Lee SY, Weber T, Medema MH. antiSMASH 4.0-improvements in chemistry prediction and gene cluster boundary identification. Nucleic Acids Res. (2017) doi: 10.1093/nar/gkx319


Medema MH, Kottmann R, Yilmaz P, Cummings M, [146 co-authors in alphabetical order], Breitling R, Takano E, Glöckner FO: The Minimum Information about a Biosynthetic Gene cluster (MIBiG) specification. Nature Chem. Biol. (2015) 11: 625-631


              Cimermancic P, Medema MH, Claesen J, Kurita K, Wieland Brown LC, Mavrommatis K, Pati A, Godfrey PA, Koehrsen M, Clardy J, Birren BW, Takano E, Sali A, Linington RG, Fischbach MA.  Insights into secondary metabolism from a global analysis of bacterial biosynthetic gene clusters. Cell (2014) 158:412-21. highlighted in Nature Chemical Biology, 10 798-800 (2014)


Medema MH, van Raaphorst R, Takano E, Breitling R. Computational tools for the synthetic design of biochemical pathways. Nature Rev. Microbiol. (2012) 10:191-202


Medema MH, Breitling R, Bovenberg RAL, and Takano E. Exploiting Plug-and-Play Synthetic Biology for Drug Discovery and Production in Microbes. Nature Rev Microbiol  (2011) 9:131–137.