Vittoria Colizza


Vittoria Colizza


統計物理学 感染症数理モデル


Dr. Vittoria Colizza is Research Director at INSERM & Sorbonne Université in the Pierre Louis Institute of Epidemiology and Public Health (IPLESP). After a PhD in Theoretical Physics (International School of Advanced Studies, Trieste, Italy, 2004), she worked at Indiana University (US, 2004-2007) as post-doc and visiting Assistant Professor, and then joined ISI Foundation (Turin, Italy, 2007-2010) as senior researcher, after being awarded an ERC Starting Grant in Life Sciences in 2007. In 2011 Colizza joined INSERM in Paris where she currently leads the EPIcx lab (Epidemics in complex environments, within the Equipe ‘Communicable Diseases Surveillance and Modelling’. Her research focuses on human and animal epidemics (COVID-19 pandemic, 2009 H1N1 pandemic, MERS-CoV, Ebola, rabies, foot-and-mouth disease, bovine brucellosis) to gather epidemic context awareness and provide risk assessment analyses for preparedness, mitigation, and control. Her work is based on mathematical, computational and digital approaches integrating data on mobility and contacts between hosts (air travel, commuting, cell phone data, RFID sensors). Colizza is heavily involved in the COVID-19 health crisis since its start in January 2020 (see Her work informs public health authorities in the different phases of the pandemic. Colizza coordinated several national and European projects, and received a number of awards.


COVID-19 pandemic is pushing the health and socio-economic challenges of our modern world to unprecedented levels. The interplay of behavioral aspects with restrictive measures imposed by authorities and their economic impacts highlights the vulnerability of our society against this virus. Combining epidemiological data on COVID-19 pandemic and mobility data extracted from mobile phone traces in Japan, we will develop statistical, mathematical, and computational models to explore this interplay and evaluate its impact on the pandemic spread in the country.


  • 2017 : Member of the I7 Innovators’ Strategic Advisory Board on People-Centered Innovation for the Italian Government for G7

  • 2015 : Google ‘Solve for X’ Scientist

  • 2011-2014 : Young Advisor to the Vice President of the European Commission Mrs. Neelie Kroes for the new Digital Agenda for Europe

  • 2011 : Young Scientist selected by the French Academy of Sciences for a policy-science partnership with members of the French Parliament


東京工業大学科学技術創成研究院 特定教授


Research Director at INSERM and Sorbonne Université, Paris, France


Habilitation to supervise research (Habilitation à diriger les recherches, HDR), Sorbonne Université, Paris, France


Senior Researcher at INSERM and Sorbonne Université, Paris, France


Senior Researcher at ISI Foundation, Turin, Italy


Visiting Assistant Professor at Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA


Erdős–Rényi Award from the Network Science Society


Telethon-Farmindustria Award


Young Scientist Award 2013 for Social and Econophysics


Prix Louis-Daniel Beauperthuy from the French Academy of Sciences


Young Talent Award, Italian Ministry of Youth


Best theoretical thesis Award from the Italian National Institute of Materials Physics


M Gilbert, G Pullano, F Pinotti, E Valdano, C Poletto, PY Boelle, E D’Ortenzio, Y Yazdanpanah, SP Eholie, M Altmann, B Gutierrez, M U. G. Kraemer, V Colizza
Preparedness and vulnerability of African countries against importations of COVID-19: a modelling study
The Lancet 395(10227) : 871-877 (2020)


G Pullano, E Valdano, N Scarpa, S Rubrichi, V Colizza
Socioeconomic factors and risk aversion explain regional heterogeneity in mobility reductions during COVID-19 epidemic in France under lockdown
The Lancet Digital Health (2020), in press


L Di Domenico, G Pullano, CE Sabbatini, P-Y Boelle, V Colizza
Impact of lockdown in Île-de-France and possible extit strategies
BMC Medicine 18, 240 (2020)


F Pinotti, L Di Domenico, E Ortega, M Mancastroppa, G Pullano, E Valdano, P-Y Boelle, C Poletto, V Colizza
Tracing and analysis of 288 early SARS-CoV-2 infections outside China: a modeling study
PLOS Medicine 17(7): e1003193 (2020)


N Oliver, B Lepri, H Sterly, R Lambiotte, S Delataille, M De Nadai, E Letouzé, A Ali Salah, R Benjamins, C Cattuto, V Colizza, N de Cordes, SP Fraiberger, T Koebe, S Lehmann, J Murillo, A Pentland, P N Pham, F Pivetta, J Saramäki, SV Scarpino, M Tizzoni, S Verhulst, P Vinck
Mobile phone data for informing public health actions across the COVID-19 pandemic lifecycle
Science Advances 6(23):eabc0764 (2020)


G Pullano, F Pinotti, E Valdano, P-Y Boëlle, C Poletto, V Colizza
Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) early-stage importation risk to Europe, January 2020
Eurosurveillance 25(4):pii=2000057 (2020)


E Valdano, M Re Fiorentin, C Poletto, and V Colizza
Epidemic threshold in continuous-time evolving networks
Physical Review Letters 120, 068302 (2018)


C Guerrisi, C Turbelin, C Souty, C Poletto, T Blanchon, T Hanslik, I Bonmarin, D Levy-Bruhl, V Colizza.
The potential value of crowdsourced surveillance systems in supplementing sentinel influenza networks: the case of France
Eurosurveillance 23(25):pii=1700337 (2018)


C Guerrisi, C Turbelin, T Blanchon, T Hanslik, I Bonmarin, D Levy-Bruhl, D Perrotta, D Paolotti, R Smallenburg, C Koppeschaar, AO Franco, R Mexia, WJ Edmunds, B Sile, R Pebody, E van Straten, S Meloni, Y Moreno, J Duggan, C Kjelsø, V Colizza. Participatory Syndromic Surveillance of Influenza in Europe
Journal of Infectious Diseases 214, S386 (2016)


E Valdano, L Ferreri, C Poletto, V Colizza
Analytical computation of the epidemic threshold on temporal networks
Physical Review X 5, 021005 (2015)