【開催報告】Virginijus Siksnys特任教授就任記念シンポジウム

【開催報告】Virginijus Siksnys特任教授就任記念シンポジウム

おすすめ イベント報告

この技術開発に大きく貢献しているVirginijus Siksnys博士(リトアニア・ヴィリニュス大学)のWRHI特任教授就任を記念し、11月22日(金)に、すずかけ台キャンパスでシンポジウムを開催致しました。
15:00-15:05:Opening remarks
・Hisakazu Mihara
(Professor and Dean, School of Life Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
15:05-15:45:”Exploring diversity of the Class 2 CRISPR-Cas nucleases”
・Virginijus Siksnys (Professor, Vilnius University)
(WRHI Specially Appointed Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
15:45-16:20:”From encounter with a mysterious repeated sequence to genome editing technology”
・Yoshizumi Ishino(Professor, Kyushu University)
16:35-17:00:”The role of the TolC outer membrane channel and indole in the regulation of acid resistance in Escherichia coli”
・Masaaki Wachi (Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
17:00-17:25:”Identification of an extraordinary long-range cisregulatory element for odorant receptor genes~application of genome engineering techniques”
・Junji Hirota(Associate Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
17:25-17:50:”Photosynthesis research with CRISPR/Cas9-based gene targeting in the model plant Arabidopsis”
・Shinji Masuda(Associate Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology)
17:50-17:55:Closing remarks
文責:相澤康則(生命理工学院 准教授)